How do i download a zoom cloud recording. How to Download Zoom Cloud Recordings
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Download a Zoom cloud recording | Information Technologies | Academic Technology Services

Go to the recordings tab on the left. Under how do i download a zoom cloud recording cloud recordings tab at ckoud top you will have a list of the recordings you have made to the cloud, click downlowd the /20814.txt of the meeting to see the recording file. You can then choose to download or share your cloud recording with others. You can either download the multiple files zoom how do i download a zoom cloud recording or can simply hover over the one you want like below and click the download arrow.
The pop up перейти you the option to add an expiry date to the link 14 days maximum by defaultallow the receivers to download the file and allow them to view the transcript if you have that setting on. You can edit the password if you wish and then click copy sharing yow and click done. Open a new email and paste the sharing information there to forward on to those who need to view the recording.
As the files will be deleted after 14 days please ensure you download the file. If you forget to download a recording in the time frame you can learn how to recover it here. Search Search Search. Downloading and по ссылке cloud recordings.
If you need recordding share this recording please continue to read for the next steps.
Downloading Your Zoom Cloud Recordings | Division of Information Technology – How Do I Download A Zoom Recording Without Permission?
Whether you download your recordings from D2L Brightspace or the Zoom portal, it is recommended that you save your recordings with both a naming convention and folder how do i download a zoom cloud recording that will make it easy for you to identify each video when it comes time to upload to the streaming server and eventually adding back to your course. Faculty and staff may record Zoom sessions, and save the recording either to the local computer or in the Zoom Cloud. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google.
Can I Download Zoom Recordings? – Systran Box.Technology Services – Download Zoom Cloud Recordings
Enter the search criteria to find a recording you want to download.
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