BENI: The FARDC, backed up by the UPDF, free 17 hostages from ADF terrorists
17 hostages have been freed from the ADF terrorists’ captivity in the Kamungu forest in the Erengeti commune in Beni district, Eastern DR Congo. This operation was conducted by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) supported by the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF). The announcement was made on Friday, August 18, 2023, by Captain Antony Mualushayi, spokesman for the Sokola 1 Grand Nord operations.

The operation took place one day after an attack by Allied Defense Forces (ADF) rebels on the Mayi Safi – Kainama road section in Beni territory. During this attack, a vehicle carrying merchandise and three motorcycles were set on fire by rebels who also abducted 17 civilians, most of whom women and children.
According to the FARDC spokesman in this region, two ADF terrorists from the troop led by rebel chiefs Mzee Sebangala Meya and Lumiya were also captured.
Antony appreciates the collaboration of the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) in the fulfillment of this operation. He announced that the hunt will continue right up to the enemy’s last stronghold.
Bahati Rubango, a DR Congo civil society activist and expert in security governance, believes that successful joint operations between FARDC and UPDF in hunting down rebels should be encouraged. News about such success is a key factor in peace building and peaceful cohabitation in the great lakes region, he mentions.
Highlighting the ongoing violations, he urges the national and international community to stand up for lasting peace and security in the Eastern DR Congo.
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